Thursday, September 25, 2008

Compensation - The Strategy Finance debate

One of the most debated aspects of the bailouts (whosoever gets bailed out) is a cap/supervision of Executive pay in companies opting to sell their bad assets to the government.

Reminds me of the discussion on the subject in finance & strategy classes. Proff Mohanty had quite a few times shown us in those Merger valuations that real beneficiary of the terms of merger was the company's management and not shareholders.

Proff Ganesh Prabhu on the other hand defended higher compensation for managements. My own post on one of the class discussions is here.

Today when the jury worldwide has taken a call on the fact that basing executive pay on short term - this quarter's or this year's - profits partly lead to crisis and such huge risk taking, life has taught me a lesson, live.

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