Friday, January 09, 2004

The days of luxury are almost over.The grinding begins from tomorrow.
Anyways I read this interesting article by an alumni of ours. HR isn't my forte but still what he wrote struck me a on a completely different plane.
Gautam Ghosh writes.

" In the pre-electronic days, even though knowledge was the big thing, it was no good till there was the tangible expression for this knowledge.Then, it was assumed that the knowledge was no good without the other skills like manufacturing, building, etc. Expertise was no good unless it was bundled with other skills, probably prompting George Bernard Shaw to remark "Those who can, do. Those who can’t, they teach!". "

How true. He goes on further to coment on things have changed today (which might be true as far as HR context of Knowledge Management is concerned).The article has been voted among the best of 2003 by

I am still not sure they have on the plane that I am thinking. Idea seems to have lesser importance than the implementation. Taking a small example from the world, we remember Wright brothers who flew the first plane not the people who made unsuccessful attempts before them. Even in course of my life I see people who are valued or who seem to headed up are not those who can think well but who can conceptualize & present well.

Reminds me of the debate topic recently - "Creative Thought is better than Scientific Thought". Its definitely not if a professor of HR in the institute is to be believed. The idea can not sustain its forte without being given a concrete form- not in the world I going to be living in for the time to come.Much as I wish to side with the idea the rational part of my brain insists n putting the implementation higher up in the list. Precisely what they say management teaches and what organizations evaluate you on.Proff Fenn would have called this the group think or peer pressure effect perhaps .

This tussle of idea and implementation in my brain is an old one though. I see a very consistent pattern to what side I take & why? Its introspection time again perhaps.........

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